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Курс "80042 Введение в C/SIDE Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009"

Цена: 100 000 руб.
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Продолжительность - 5 дней
Специализация:  Microsoft Dynamics Nav (Navision)
Код: 80042
The five-day course, C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics 2009 examines all aspects of the Development granules that are available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. This course covers the Microsoft Dynamics NAV software architecture, the Client/Server Integrated Development Environment (C/SIDE), the objects available to developers which includes tables, forms, pages, reports, dataports, XMLports, codeunits, and MenuSuites, basic programming, data manipulation, and integration options available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. In addition, this course provides an intensive introduction to Client/Application Language (C/AL), the Microsoft Dynamics NAV programming language.
A thorough understanding of these topics allows to streamline the development processes by learning how to develop integrations and customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This course teaches how to navigate within the development environment, how to create and use the basic objects, and how to implement best practices for ensuring smooth software upgrades in the future.

Audience Profile
This course is intended for partners who want to learn how to get started creating customized solutions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV for their customers. This course is also intended for developers, consultants, and implementers who need to understand the technical aspects of Microsoft Dynamics NAV C/SIDE and C/AL and gain foundational knowledge of the application functionality. This course is also targeted at anyone who wants to become certified in C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.

At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Set up the development environment.
  • Understand basic objects available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  • Create simple customizations within C/SIDE using C/AL.
  • Prepare for the C/SIDE Introduction certification exam.

Course Outline
Module 1: Client/Server Integrated Development Environment (C/SIDE)
This module explains basic objects in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and the Client/Server Integrated Development Environment (C/SIDE). It also describes physical and logical databases and several integration tools available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.

Module 2: Tables
This module explains the fundamental concepts of table objects, describes the concepts of table relationships, special table fields and how to use them, and describes how to use the Table Designer to create and modify tables. It also describes table types and their characteristics.

Module 3: Forms
This module explains the fundamental concepts of form objects and describes how to use the Form Designer to create and modify forms. It also describes form types and their characteristics and standard navigation in forms.

Module 4: Pages
This module explains the fundamental concepts of page objects and describes how to use the Page Designer to create and modify pages. It also describes page types and their characteristics and discuss the best practices in creating pages.

Module 5: Introduction to C/AL Programming
This module introduces C/AL, the programming language in C/SIDE and its elements. It also describes data types available in C/AL, concepts of identifier, variable, syntax, variable scope and variable initialization.

Module 6: Assignment Statements and Expressions
This module explains assignment statements, expressions, terms and operators. It describes automatic type conversion between data types and different kinds of operators and operator precedence. It also describes numeric, relational and logical expressions.

Module 7: C/AL Statements
This module explains conditional statements, compound statements, comments and repetitive statements. It also describes the concepts of Arrays and how to use them.

Module 8: C/AL Functions
This module explains the concepts of functions and describes several built-in functions and how they are used. It also describes the concepts of parameters and how to create custom functions.

Module 9: Reports
This module explains the fundamental concepts of report objects and describes the different stages in creating and designing reports. It also describes several types of printing reports and how to create grouping, totaling and add advanced features to a report, for the Classic and the RoleTailored Client.

Module 10: Dataports and XMLports
This module explains the fundamental concepts of dataport and XMLport objects and describes how to use the Dataport Designer and XMLport Designer to create dataports and XMLports for export and import external file. It also describes how XMLports replace Dataports in the RoleTailored Client.

Module 11: Codeunits
This module explains the fundamental concepts of codeunit objects and describes how to use the C/AL Editor to create codeunits. It also describes how to use the SMTP Mail Codeunit.

Module 12: MenuSuites
This module explains the fundamental concepts of MenuSuite objects and describes how to use the Navigation Pane Designer to create and design MenuSuites. It also describes how to create MenuSuite for the Classic and the RoleTailored Client.

Module 13: Integration Options
This module explains several integration tools available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It also describes how to use them and their limitations.

Before attending this course, students must have:
General knowledge of basic ERP user roles.Basic programming knowledge.Completed Course 80043, Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, or have relevant experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Корпорации Майкрософт Dynamics NAV-это глобальное планирование ресурсов предприятия (ERP-решения), который предоставляет малым и средним предприятиям больший контроль над своими финансами, а также упростит цепочки поставок и производства. Это быстро для реализации и прост в использовании, с силой, чтобы поддержать ваши амбиции роста.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV в настоящее время является одной из самых популярных ERP систем. Она достаточно проста в использовании и дает возможность увеличить эффективность работы предприятия. Благодаря чему бизнес успешно развивается и адаптируется к новым условиям и возможностям. Система Microsoft Dynamics NAV разработана для малых и средних предприятий. Она не требует больших эксплуатационных затрат, и легко дорабатывается под индивидуальные требования заказчика. Microsoft Dynamics NAV дает возможность видеть все данные о работе Вашей компании, а также отслеживать все критические параметры Вашего бизнеса. Она легко внедряется и поддерживается.

Учебный Центр «Интерфейс» проводит авторизованное обучение по курсам Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision). В нашем центре Вы можете посетить занятия, которые наиболее актуальны для Вашей компании и это, к примеру, могут быть курсы по следующим модулям: системы финансы, управление запасами, бухгалтерский и налоговый учет и многое другое. Курсы Microsoft Dynamics NAV проводят специалисты, сертифицированные Microsoft, имеющие большой опыт внедрения и настройки данной системы. Каждый курс имеет определенную длительность в академических часах, благодаря чему Вы можете планировать свои вопросы к тренеру согласно плана тренинга.

По окончании авторизованного курса Microsoft выдаётся международный сертификат Microsoft

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