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Курс "80306 Торговля и дистрибуция в Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012"

Цена: 60 000 руб.
Звонок с сайта Купить дешевле
Продолжительность - 3 дня
Специализация:  Microsoft Dynamics Ax (Axapta)
Код: 80306

80306 Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

About this Course

This three-day instructor-led course, Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, introduces advanced Trade & Logistics functionality. This course builds on information provided in the Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course.

Audience Profile

This course is intended for customers and partners that want to learn more advanced features and functions offered in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trade and Distribution feature areas. The course is targeted toward sales and purchase managers, salespeople, purchasers, and other users in organizations that are responsible for the setup and administration of trade and logistics, inventory management, and quarantine management functionality.

At Course Completion

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Allow for over/under delivery of goods.
  • Assign charges.
  • Set up and manage quarantine management functionality.
  • Recognize the pick process.
  • Register serialized and batch inventory.
  • Reverse and split a pick.
  • Edit Item dimensions during picking.
  • Create Vendor returns, Return actions, and Manage Customer returns.
  • Manually reserve inventory.
  • Set up automatic and explosion inventory reservation.
  • Query, cancel, or change a reservation.
  • Set up, activate, and modify Customer and Vendor trade agreements.
  • Understand Customer and Vendor Price/Discount groups.
  • Set up and use Supplementary items.
  • Work with sales quotations.
  • Define various sales quotation functions.
  • Set up transfer orders.
  • Create a transfer order.
  • Pick items before transfer between warehouses.
  • Transfer items between warehouses.
  • Set up the elements of a commission agreement.
  • View commission transactions from a financially updated sales order.
  • Understand the ABC Inventory Classification System.
  • Understand how to use the Physical inventory by inventory dimension report.
  • Understand how to use reports in forecasting sales and purchase expectations.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • General knowledge of Microsoft Windows
  • The ability to use Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for basic processing.
  • Completed the Supply Chain Foundation in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course.

In addition, students should have:

  • Knowledge of trade and logistics.
  • Knowledge of inventory management concepts.

Course Outline

Module 1: Overview

This module provides an overview of the content of the Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 course.

This module examines how to handle differences between ordered and received or delivered quantities in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Also, it discusses how to handle charges in Sales and Purchase orders that include how to allocate charges to items and how to include landed costs in an item's total cost.

Module 3: Customer and Vendor Agreements

This module discusses Customer and Vendor Agreements that are fixed price agreements that are entered into with one or more customers or vendors for the sale of individual or multiple items. It also covers Supplementary Items that are complimentary or supplementary items sold to a customer or customer group, or sold with an item or item group.

Module 4: Item Arrival Registration

This module is designed to describe the features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 that support receiving items in a company.

Module 5: Quarantine Management

This module examines how Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 uses Quarantine orders. Items can be set aside to await either manual or automatic approval, depending on setup. The item may be in quarantine for a certain period, for example, for quantity control purposes. Quarantine management is part of the Microsoft Dynamics AX Inventory management chapter.

Module 6: Vendor Returns

This module discusses how to return a product to a vendor. You will learn how to handle the returns with and without serial and batch numbers attached.

Module 7: Sales Quotations

This module explains how to set up, maintain, and process quotations. The trade and logistics functionality allows for sales personnel to issue quotations, track the progress of quotations, and follow-up on won or lost quotations. Various quotation functions are also explained.

Module 8: Item Reservations

This module is designed to explain the Reservations functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 9: Sales Order Picking

This module introduces the sales picking processLessons

  • Introduction
  • Enable Sales Order Picking and Setup
  • Release Sales Order Picking
  • Automatic Registration of a Pick
  • Manual Registration of a Pick
  • Item Pick Registration of a Serial and Batch Inventory
  • Edit, Reverse and Split a Pick

Module 10: Customer Returns

This module discusses how to accept and handle a product return from a customer. You will learn how to process the returns through the Return order, Arrival overview, Quarantine order, and Sales order forms.

Module 11: Commissions

This module introduces the steps that are required to set up sales commissions for salespeople. It also covers how to inquire on the calculated commissions from posted sales transactions.

Module 12: Transfer Orders

In this module, students gain an understanding of the Transfer orders form. This is a process-oriented method to deal with transfer orders between warehouses within the same company.

Module 13: Reports

This module introduces how the ABC Inventory classification system is used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. It also discusses how to use Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 reports to help in forecasting sales and purchase expectations.

Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональная система управления ресурсами предприятия (ERP II) для средних и крупных компаний. Она охватывает все области менеджмента: производство и дистрибуцию, цепочки поставок и проекты, финансы и средства бизнес-анализа, взаимоотношения с клиентами и персоналом.
Microsoft Dynamics® AX – глобальная система управления, ориентированная на менеджмент крупных и средних компаний. Курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX дают сотрудникам знания, необходимые для использования всего функционала программного продукта, и практические навыки их применения для повышения динамики производства на всех этапах, оптимизации управления проектами, сокращения цепочки поставщик-клиент и много другого. Главное преимущество Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональность. Эта система рассчитана на все уровни управления компанией, начиная от проставления задач и контроля сдачи проекта, заканчивая бухгалтерским учетом и средствами бизнес-аналитики. Кроме того, Microsoft Dynamics® AX способна оптимизировать взаимоотношения компания-клиент (при условии грамотного использования функциональных возможностей системы). Обучающие курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX – это возможность развивать свой бизнес и идти в ногу с современными трендами!

Продемонстрируйте свои знания в продукте Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, успешно сдав экзамен Microsoft Specialist.

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