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Курс "80163 Новые возможности в функционале цепочек поставок и производства в Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012"

Цена: 20 000 руб.
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Продолжительность - 1 день
Специализация:  Microsoft Dynamics Ax (Axapta)
Код: 80163

80163 What's New — Application in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for Supply Chain Management, and Manufacturing.

About this Course

This one-day instructor-led course provides students with an introduction to the new features and functionality in the Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing feature areas of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

The purpose of this course is to introduce new features so that participants can learn about the main differences in the software since the last version.

This course does not cover functionality that has not changed since the earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Audience Profile

This course is intended for experienced systems consultants that are typically working for a Microsoft Dynamics partner that is selling, consulting, implementing, and supporting Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

At Course Completion

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the new interface elements in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Describe changes to the organization model.
  • Use and update the help system.
  • Describe the Microsoft Office Add-Ins in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • View work items that are based on specific business documents in one location.
  • Review improvements made to the document handling feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
  • Set up alert rules to work across all organizational structures.
  • Discuss the decoupling of order management processes from inventory.
  • Describe the required conversion directions and conditions for non-stocked items.
  • Describe the concept of products.
  • Describe the variant configuration technology types.
  • Describe the concept of product masters and their variants.
  • Create and release products to an enterprise.
  • Discuss how to finalize a released product.
  • Describe sales and purchase agreement work.
  • Discuss how to create sales and purchase agreements.
  • Define sales and purchase agreements.
  • Discuss how to use agreements when you create orders.
  • Discuss how to follow up on agreements.
  • Describe improvements in trade agreements.
  • Describe the changes in intercompany setup.
  • View intercompany goods in transit reports
  • Describe intercompany planning changes.
  • Describe change management for purchase orders.
  • Discuss how to set up a delivery schedule on a purchase order.
  • Discuss the purpose and usage of purchasing policies.
  • Discuss category management, catalogs, and employee purchasing.
  • Describe the purchase requisition process from preparation through review, to purchase order generation.
  • Describe purchase requisition consolidation.
  • Discuss vendor management and the vendor self-service portal.
  • Discuss business rules for fixed assets.
  • Describe how resource requirements are defined on routes.
  • Discuss how to perform resource scheduling and describe the basic resource allocation principles.
  • Describe the concept of using a period template to define schedules.
  • Describe a new way to model Lean Manufacturing based on production flows.
  • View the kanban boards and its controls.
  • Describe mixed mode manufacturing.
  • Discuss event driven kanbans and the single piece flow.
  • Explain subcontracting.
  • View the workflow for worker registrations.
  • Describe the supervisor options available in manufacturing execution for moving jobs, prioritizing jobs, and correcting jobs.
  • Discuss how Touch Enabled Registration works.
  • Discuss how to set up and work with Document groups.
  • Provide an overview of list pages in time and attendance and manufacturing execution.
  • Discuss how to build a product configuration model.
  • Describe how to prepare and release a model to sales.
  • Discuss how to use a product configuration tool for sales orders.
  • Review the features and benefits of the process industries solution.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Working experience with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.

Course Outline

Module 1: Overview

This module provides a general overview of the features and benefits of using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 2: Product Information Management

This module introduces participants to the changes that are made to the Product Information Management module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 3: Agreements

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of Agreements in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 4: Intercompany

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of Intercompany in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 5: Procurement and Sourcing

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of Procurement and Sourcing in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 6: Manufacturing and Scheduling

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of the Manufacturing and Scheduling feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 7: Lean Manufacturing

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of the Lean Manufacturing feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 8: Time and Attendance, and Manufacturing Execution

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of the Time and Attendance, and Manufacturing Execution in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 9: Product Configurator

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of the Product Configurator Module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 10: Process Manufacturing

This module provides a general overview of the new features and benefits of the Process Manufacturing industry solution in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональная система управления ресурсами предприятия (ERP II) для средних и крупных компаний. Она охватывает все области менеджмента: производство и дистрибуцию, цепочки поставок и проекты, финансы и средства бизнес-анализа, взаимоотношения с клиентами и персоналом.
Microsoft Dynamics® AX – глобальная система управления, ориентированная на менеджмент крупных и средних компаний. Курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX дают сотрудникам знания, необходимые для использования всего функционала программного продукта, и практические навыки их применения для повышения динамики производства на всех этапах, оптимизации управления проектами, сокращения цепочки поставщик-клиент и много другого. Главное преимущество Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональность. Эта система рассчитана на все уровни управления компанией, начиная от проставления задач и контроля сдачи проекта, заканчивая бухгалтерским учетом и средствами бизнес-аналитики. Кроме того, Microsoft Dynamics® AX способна оптимизировать взаимоотношения компания-клиент (при условии грамотного использования функциональных возможностей системы). Обучающие курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX – это возможность развивать свой бизнес и идти в ногу с современными трендами!

Продемонстрируйте свои знания в продукте Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, успешно сдав экзамен Microsoft Specialist.

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По окончании авторизованного курса Microsoft выдаётся международный сертификат Microsoft

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