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Новый релиз DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.1.4

21.07.2017 13:08

В последнем выпуске DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.1.4 внесено несколько исправлений ошибок. Полный набор DevExpress VCL Subscription компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний DevExpress. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета - это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами DevExpress, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи Express VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.


ExpressBars Suite

  • Instances of TdxBarCustomPopupComponent class descendants ignore their bar manager's Scaled property.
  • Pressing a key freezes an application after expanding a submenu and moving focus to a TdxBarControlContainerItem control's embedded control.
  • TcxBarEditItem - An action is assigned to the item's in-place editor when the editor is activated.
  • The TdxRibbon control when shown in "Auto-hide Ribbon" mode is partially overlapped by the application form's MDI child window area, provided that the form has no other TWinControl-derived controls.


  • An exception occurs when using the incremental search in TdxServerModeGridTableView if multiple records have been added to the database during the current connection.

ExpressDocking Library

  • The dock control becomes invisible when its nested dock control's layout is changed at design time.

ExpressEditors Library

  • cxCheckBox - The Enter keystroke does not trigger a TCustomButton descendant whose Default property is set to True when the editor is focused and its edit value is modified.
  • cxDateEdit and Exe compiled with external BPL.
  • cxListBox - The OnClick event is not raised if any style property is changed in the OnEnter event handler.
  • cxMemo - The Enter keystroke does not trigger a TCustomButton descendant whose Default property is set to True when the editor is focused and its WantReturns property is set to False.
  • cxRichEdit - The character count limitation imposed by the Properties.MaxLength property is ignored after recreating the InnerControl's handle.
  • Problem with MinValue in CurrencyEdit.
  • TdxGalleryControl - Improve performance when adding a large number of items.

ExpressExport Library

  • Export to XLS/XLSX - RTF strings within cells are exported without default font attributes.

ExpressGDI+ Library

  • The GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount and GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount functions accept a TdxAlphaColor value instead of a PdxAlphaColor pointer.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Implement the translation mode for layout element captions.


  • An exception occurs on invoking the Image Picker dialog if custom folders are present within the '$(DXVCL)\ExpressLibrary\Sources\Icon Library\' directory or its subdirectories.
  • SVG Images - Fractional numbers whose zero integer part is omitted are parsed incorrectly.
  • SVG Images - The "path" element's "arc" segment defining more than one individual arc is rendered incorrectly.
  • SVG Images - The "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoint", and "stroke-miterlimit" element attributes are ignored.
  • SVG Images - The display size of an image is incorrect if its dimensions defined by the "width"/"height" attributes and the "viewbox" attribute are different.
  • SVG Images - The outline without a specified "stroke-width" property value is not displayed.
  • TdxSmartImage - Add the capability to specify the source pixel data array's alpha format as a TAlphaFormat value.
  • The scaling factor of a frame nested in another frame is multiplied by the parent frame's scaling factor.
  • Unloading a DLL built without runtime packages raises an exception if the DLL includes a control from the ExpressEditors Library.

ExpressMap Control

  • Add support for per-monitor DPI awareness v1.


  • Add support for per-monitor DPI awareness v1.


  • An exception occurs on closing the modal form containing the PDF Viewer control whose OptionsFindPanel.DisplayMode property is set to fpdmAlways and the Search text box has focus.
  • Demo - The Print Preview dialog displays document pages with oversized margins.
  • Fast document page scrolling may result in overlapping the current page by the previous page content.
  • PDF files including the CID font descriptor whose Style dictionary contains a PANOSE entry are loaded incorrectly.

ExpressPrinting System

  • TdxLayoutControlReportLink - Bounds of the TdxLayoutControl component nested in another TdxLayoutControl are calculated incorrectly.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • An AV occurs when invoking the Customization Form if a form contains the TcxDefaultEditStyleController component whose Style.LookAndFeel settings are customized.
  • Clicking a cxMRUEdit or TcxGridFindPanelMRUEdit control's button that has an assigned action does not lead to executing this action.
  • TcxGrid does not display the embedded RichEdit correctly when using HighDPI in version 17.1.2.
  • The Drag-&-Drop arrow position is calculated incorrectly when dragging an item within the Quick Column Customization menu.
  • WinExplorer View - Clicking a group row causes an AV if the data controller updates its record set.
  • WinExplorer View - List display mode - An application freezes when moving focus to a group row whose child rows are arranged in two or more columns if one of them is partially hidden by scrolling.
  • WinExplorer View - Scroll button clicks incorrectly scroll the View whose content is grouped in certain cases.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • Add support for per-monitor DPI awareness v1.
  • An application hangs on selecting the IF field including a nested field.
  • Spell Checker - A misspelled word in the IgnoreOnce list is checked when spell checking a document in the Spelling dialog.
  • The IdxRichEditSubDocument.FindAll function variant that accepts a regular expression returns an array of text ranges whose start and end position values are reduced by one.
  • XE4 Delphi and C++Builder compilers do not expand inline functions in certain source files.


  • An AV occurs on entering a cell value if the TdxSpellChecker component and the dxSpreadSheetFormattedTextUtils unit are used together in an application.
  • Documentation - Descriptions of the Editing, Deleting, and Inserting properties declared in the TdxSpreadSheetOptionsBehavior class are incomplete.
  • Documentation - The TdxCustomSpreadSheet.OnEditValueChanged event description lists incorrect event occurrence conditions.
  • Features demo - A cell contains RTF tags when inserting a formula via the ribbon menu.
  • Fractional cell values whose integer part is zero and the fractional part consists only of '9' digits are rounded incorrectly.
  • Incorrect memory consumption when new rows are inserted between two formatted rows.
  • Shared formula expressions are imported incorrectly when loading certain XLSX files.
  • The ISERR, ISERROR, and ISNA functions return error codes of their parameter expressions instead of TRUE or FALSE.
  • The OnEditValueChanged event fires not only on posting a modified edit value.

ExpressTile Control

  • Add support for per-monitor DPI awareness v1.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • Export - Cells that span multiple columns are incorrectly exported.
  • Moving focus between cells calls a bound field's OnValidate event handler twice.

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DevExpress / VCL Subscription
Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета – это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.

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