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Новый релиз DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.2.6
12.04.2018 13:00
Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета - это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.
- Documentation - Certain tables display strings enclosed in the code tag.
ExpressBars Suite
- The Ribbon's background image does not scale in response to monitor DPI changes.
ExpressDocking Library
- A docking panel whose Visible property is set to False within the form's OnCreate event handler remains visible in certain docking layouts.
ExpressEditors Library
- A glyph assigned via the Properties.ButtonGlyph property is not displayed in a cxColorComboBox editor's dropdown button.
- Fonts for (DB) editors change between display mode and edit mode when tcxLookAndFeelController.NativeStyle = true.
- TcxDBLookupComboBox - The Text property value is automatically applied to a drop-down list as a filter if the underlying dataset is refreshed while the list is displayed.
- Touch-friendly scrollbar mode - An AV occurs on clicking a cxMemo control on an MDI Child form if the spell checker's CheckAsYouTypeOptions.Active property is True.
- Touch-friendly scrollbar mode - The right and bottom borders of empty cxListBox and cxCheckListBox controls are not displayed.
ExpressExport Library
- Cell Data Export Routines - An exception occurs on exporting a cell containing the Variant Null value if the cell's data type is set to TDateTime.
ExpressLayout Control
- An AV occurs on linking any DevExpress editor to a layout item.
- Separator items are incorrectly painted in response to scrolling the layout control or displaying the grid's Layout View.
- An AV occurs on closing a TdxForm descendant that includes the TcxPropertiesStore component containing a property of this descendant.
- Multiple properties and events derived from the base form class are protected in the TcxPopupWindow class.
- SVG Images - TdxGPMatrix objects and their handles are not released after painting images that use matrix transformations.
- XML Data Export Routines - A string including four characters that can be intepreted as hexadecimal values, is exported incorrectly, provided that the characters are enclosed between the "_x" sequence and the "_" character.
ExpressMap Control
- If the image tile layer's Provider.CacheOptions.DiskLimit property value is 2048 or higher, the actual cache size in bytes is calculated incorrectly.
- The "Range check error" exception occurs on loading certain documents containing JBIG2-encoded images.
- The "Range check error" exception occurs on loading certain protected documents due to incorrect calculation of the encryption key length.
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- Calling the Grid table item's GetProperties function raises the OnGetProperties event even if there is no record corresponding to the index passed as the ARecordIndex parameter.
- The "Custom Filter" dialog displays information on using wildcard characters with the "contains", "does not contain", "begins with", and "ends with" filter operators.
ExpressRichEdit Control
- A document loaded from an RTF file modifies its font size when saving to a DOC file.
- An AV occurs on closing a console application that created a document position object accessible via the IdxRichEditDocumentPosition interface.
ExpressScheduler Suite
- A popup menu assigned to the control's PopupMenu property is invoked on closing the content popup menu.
- Canceling an event's size operation performed using drag and drop doesn't revert the size if this operation causes intersection and the EventOperations.Intersection property is set to False.
- TcxSchedulerDBStorage - Opening a bound dataset within the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate method block doesn't display events if the SmartRefresh property is set to True.
ExpressSkins Library
- Skin Editor - Previously deleted element attributes are restored on opening a SKINPROJ project file.
- All commands (TAction objects) that are not applicable to floating containers remain enabled while a container is focused.
- If a new cell style is applied to one or more rows and/or columns by executing a style-related command (TAction object), the associated editor's edit value does not update accordingly.
- In certain cases, the LOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and VLOOKUP functions return incorrect results if the lookup value is empty or omitted.
- The ClearAll method call clears the clipboard content.
- The current font typeface automatically changes on entering hieroglyphs by using an in-place cell editor's embedded IME.
- The DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, EDATE, EOMONTH, ISOWEEKNUM, MONTH, NOW, TODAY, WEEKDAY, WEEKNUM, and YEAR functions always use the 1900 Date System ignoring the control's settings.
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DevExpress / VCL Subscription
Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета – это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.